вторник, 23 июля 2013 г.

Clipboard рекомендует

Clipboard.com - сервис для коллекционирования закладок (клипов) закрылся, и теперь на главной странице сервиса мы видим список аналогичных или похожих сервисов для коллекционирования в интернете:


Clipboard has been acquired by salesforce.com. The Clipboard service was discontinued on June 30th 2013.
If you exported your clips, here are some services that will help you keep saving and sharing the web:
  • Scrible is focused on making research on the web easier by allowing you to mark-up web pages and collaborate. They have an importer that will keep all of the HTML in your clips intact, including dynamic items like movies and slide shows.
  • Mammoth allows you to save notes, links, pictures and files, organize them into boards, and collaborate with others. They are offering expedited registration to Clipboard users (the site is currently in closed beta) and are in the process of building an import tool.
  • Keeeb is a Clipboard-like service that allows you to save and organize content from around the web, with an emphasis on collaboration. They have an import tool ready.
  • Clipular bills itself as a "camera for the web" that lets you snap any portions of web pages and stitch the pieces together. They offer an importer for Clipboard users.
  • Etceter is a service with a mission similar to Clipboard's. You can use it to save videos, photos, links and documents and organize them using "Boxes" and "Pills", as they call them. Their importer for Clipboard users is ready.
  • Favebucket is, in their own words, "the assistant that helps you save, recollect and share your favorites." They have a Clipboard importer which is accessed via the settings pane (red triangle).
  • Memit offers a Clipboard importer, which they say "preserves the full layout of clips imported from Clipboard — boards are turned nicely into collections."
Clipboard.com прекратил регистрацию новых пользователей.
Продвинутый сервис закладок. Можно коллекционировать не только картинки, но и заметки, просто ссылки на сайты, фрагменты статей.
Устанавливается прямо в браузер. Вот ссылка для Chrome: webstore/clipboard
Регистрируйесь - устанавливаете расширение - на странице, которую хотите сохранить в закладки, щелкаете кнопку расширения Clipboard - выбираете, что хотите сохранить (текст, картинку, ссылку на сайт) - делаете подпись - готово.
Пример досок: http://clipboard.com/Bunz/boards

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